Friedrich Chasin

Jörg Becker at the meeting of board members and CIOs

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The digitalization of towns and businesses in the region are closely interconnected. The progress of both depends on each other, and the impacts of digitalization on the city and society are complex. At the invitation of the Mayor of Münster, Markus Lewe, our research group spokesperson, Jörg Becker, participated in a meeting of the executives and CIOs of major companies in the Münster region on April 9th. Insights from the lively discussion on possible solutions to digitalization issues are being incorporated into our research group

Read more about Jörg Becker at the meeting of board members and CIOs
Heinrich Kortsch

Prof. Dr. Tobias Brandt appointed head of the Trust sub-project

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We are delighted that Tobias Brandt, Chair of Digital Innovation and the Public Sector, will be taking over the management of the Trust sub-project in the research group. With his expertise in smart city projects from the perspective of citizens and his current collaborations with the members of the research group, Mr. Brandt is an ideal fit for the consortium. He takes over the leadership from Dr. Bettina Distel, who will now carry on the topics of the research group in her role as project manager for Smart Cities and Smart Regions at the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning.

Read more about Prof. Dr. Tobias Brandt appointed head of the Trust sub-project
Heinrich Kortsch

Agile methods with the city of Lünen

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Being agile is not a question of 'if', but of 'how' and 'when'. We gained this insight during our visit last week to the inspiring project management and digitalization team of the city of Lünen, led by Susanne Kaletta. For agile digitalization projects in medium-sized cities to be successful, common values and principles must first be established within the team. This is precisely where the team is doing pioneering work, providing training in agile methods not only internally but also externally.

Read more about Agile methods with the city of Lünen
Heinrich Kortsch

Seize the Opportunity: Join Our Team

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Take your chance now to support our team in the 'Education' sub-project! We are now offering the opportunity to play an active role in shaping the digital education infrastructures of medium-sized cities as a research assistant. Application deadline is 30.04.2024 - join us and shape the digital educational landscape of the future! You can find more information about the job posting here.

Read more about Seize the Opportunity: Join Our Team
Heinrich Kortsch

DMDZ initiates DigiCity 2024

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With over 100 participants, 12 speakers and 7 sponsors, the first edition of the 'DigiCity Conference' last Tuesday was an outstanding event. This conference, aimed at public administrations of medium-sized cities with an interest in digitization, proved to be a great success.

Initiated by our research group, an inspiring, young team of students from Münster took on the organization and implementation of the conference with exceptional commitment. Their professionalism was so impressive that we are now worried about them being poached prematurely by the event industry.

Read more about DMDZ initiates DigiCity 2024
Heinrich Kortsch

Workshop on the Service Innovation Lab Steinfurt

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The Trust and Law Enforcement sub-projects of the DFG research group "Digital Medium-sized City of the Future" (DMDZ) at the University of Münster were involved in the kick-off of the Service Innovation Lab of the Smart Region Coordination Office of the District of Steinfurt on November 14, 2023. The attendees came from different parts of the administration, which provided a broad pool of knowledge about the processes within the administration. The program was divided into three workshops, two of which were provided by the DMDZ.

Read more about Workshop on the Service Innovation Lab Steinfurt
Heinrich Kortsch

DMDZ research group visits Ahaus

DMDZ-Forschungsgruppe vor dem Schloss Ahaus
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Ahaus in western Münsterland: around 10 km to the Dutch border, just under 40,000 inhabitants, surrounded by nature reserves, lots of greenery and a beautiful baroque castle in the middle of the city center. The expectation of a Westphalian idyll that arises on the drive along country roads and through farming communities from Münster is fulfilled with flying colors by the digital city of Ahaus. Wait - digital city? You read that right. That's how the medium-sized town describes itself.

Read more about DMDZ research group visits Ahaus
Heinrich Kortsch

Participation in the 3rd Mittelstadt Conference in Aachen

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Under the title "Making transformation happen! The socio-ecological transformation at municipal level", the 3rd Mittelstadt Conference of the Research Training Group "Mittelstadt als Mitmachstadt" took place in Aachen on October 19th and 20th. Research results and practical projects focusing on actor constellations, methods and processes as well as infrastructures in connection with transformation fields in (small) medium-sized towns were presented in 4 tracks.

Read more about Participation in the 3rd Mittelstadt Conference in Aachen